
EuGH beschäftigt sich nicht mehr mit dem Fluggastrecht

European Air Passenger Rights under Reg. (EC) 261/2004: a new German decision on de-icing

Nicht mitvermietet

Kautionsabrechnung und Verjährung

Passenger Litigation: Are ECJ decisions always detrimental to airlines? A new angle on the involvement of OTAs, single booking and the ECJ’s American Airline decision

The new Draft on the Interpretative Guidelines on Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97

Nachwirkungen der IT-Panne bei Crowdstrike „Falcon Sensor“

Navigating the Legal Labyrinth: Defending Passenger Claims Under Reg. (EC) 261/2004 by Challenging Assignments (Part II)

Navigating the Legal Labyrinth: Defending Passenger Claims Under Reg. (EC) 261/2004 by Challenging Assignments (Part I)

Wie geht es mit einem Untermieter im Falle der Beendigung des Hauptmietvertrages weiter?

Two new decisions of the European Court of Justice on Air Passenger Rights

Die letzte Nacht des Jahres

Fiktive Schadensberechnung bei unterlassenen Schönheitsreparaturen

Formularmäßige Vereinbarung von Reservierungsgebühren

Anwendbarkeit des Wirtschaftlichkeitsgebots

Ticket refund claim: Supreme Court decides that passenger is owner of the ticket refund claim even if payment was effected by another party.

Technical defects of an aircraft: Federal Supreme Court of Justice (BGH) decides in favour of airline where an unforeseen event is affecting almost 50 % of the fleet leading to cancellations of flights.

Email address on your website: a required contact channel for pax or just an additional add on?

How delayed baggage can even trigger a ticket refund claim outside the regime of the Montreal Convention

Everything new or old acquaintances – Regulations (EU) No 2020/1783 and No 2020/1784?

Chaotic conditions at airports – Does the current ECJ case law offer new defence options?

Landmark decision on PNR datasets by ECJ

Umlage der Kosten für die Anmietung von Rauchmeldern


No EU261-compensation due after cancellation of flights because of travel ban


Exceptional circumstances are not excluded in principle if a flight is also cancelled for economic reasons due to the pandemic.

Mietzahlung in Corona-Zeiten

Neue Pflichten des Vermieters

Umsatzsteuer bei der Stellplatzvermietung

Are rebookings always to be considered as reasonable measures by the airline?

Sterben als „Vertragsgemäßer Gebrauch“

Re-Routing, diversions and cancellations

Prima facie evidence of the provision of all reasonable measures

Delay Code 81 is accepted as extraordinary circumstance

In weather cases pilot’s decision to divert is accepted as sufficient proof of extraordinary circumstances

Zur Rechtmäßigkeit der Gebührenbescheide des Auswärtigen Amtes für die „Corona-Rückholaktion“

Regelung zur Störung der Geschäftsgrundlage von Miet- und Pachtverträgen („Lockdown-Paragraph“)